Mogán Town Council, with fiscal number (CIF) P3501300B and address at Avenida de la Constitución 4 provides information of general interest about the municipality of Mogán, through the domain, and in particular information, communications and responsibilities of the municipal organisation.
The information provided is accurate at the time of publication.
Mogán Town Council safeguards that this information is accurate and precise, and will update information as required and as quickly as possible. It tries to avoid errors and corrects them as soon as they are detected. However, they can’t guarantee the absence of errors, or that the content is at all times updated.
Mogán Town Council may modify, delete or update the information contained in, or its configuration or presentation at any time, and without prior notice.
Access to the domain, as well as the use of the information contained therein, is the sole responsibility of the user. Mogán Town Council is not liable for any damages that may arise from these facts. It can’t guarantee that access is not interrupted, nor that the content or software accessed is free from error or causing harm. The information provided, in response to any query or request for information, is merely indicative. It will not be binding for the resolution of administrative procedures, which are strictly subject to the applicable legal or regulatory rules. includes links to third party websites, mainly belonging to other public Administrations, which are considered to be of interest to users. Mogán Town Council does not accept any responsibility derived from the connections to, or the contents of those links.
The web site, its graphic design, information and code is owned by Mogán Town Council. Exceptions to this will be clearly stated. It is protected by legislation regarding intellectual property. The content of this domain may be downloaded to the user‘s terminal when it is for private use only, but can not be exploited for reproduction, distribution, or public use unless specific authorisation has been given. The information may not be modified without express permission.